Nano Lopez
For Nano, the entire sculpting process begins with his initial conceptual sketches. He then creates a small working model in clay. Following that, he will then sculpt the piece actual size. In his artistic process, Nano integrates organic textures and human-made objects into his bronzes to create pieces of art that reflect the same depth and richness he sees in the world around him. The sculptures unique elements become part of the final piece in several ways. They may be embedded, applied to the surface, or even indented in the actual clay.
Catfish Lily
16.5" W x 5.5"D x 10" H
Catfish Lily loves country fairs, she enjoys chasing roller coaster and fast rides.
Here she is chasing a fish wheel but the fish are faster than Lily.
Even if she caught them she wouldn't eat them because she believes in the
catch and release program.
19" x 11" x 15"
Here Olivia is sitting in the meadow over looking the rolling hills,and enjoying a soft cool breeze.
She is attracted to long necks but not so much lions.
With birds she gets along very well and enjoys listening to their chatter.
7" x 13" x 4"
He is a teenage bull...
practicing his bravado technique on
the farm before lunchtime.
15.5" x 4.5" x 10"
“Arthur the Believer”
According to the position of the sun and all of the other stars, The North wind and it’s temperature, I say all sorts of things are really ready to embark or rather take off, and to fly high to see things in another perspective, that of the sky’s.
Kiko is seen here laying on his favorite rock,
and actually he is asleep, but in his dreams (which is how we see him here)
he is dreaming that there are a bunch of ice creams floating in the water all around him,
of course he is trying to get a good lick of the biggest ones.
9" x 6" x 15"
Leonardo is a mature lion that likes taking long promenade walks. On the prairie with his friends Robert the rabbit. Although Leo doesn't play much guitar, he likes to bring it along for anyone else to play and he loves to contribute to the vocals with his mighty roar.
3.5"x 8" x 5.5"
Tracy (the Fast) was briefly seen yesterday afternoon crossing the pasture field south of town, while nobody
had long enough time to clearly see her face, Tracy is well known all around town, for her great enthusiasm,
being amazingly fast and unparalleled generosity. Always bringing water to those in need.
5'' X 2.5'' X 3''
5" x 3" x 5.5"
Lobito y Luna